Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living


Looking for Inspiration in 2022

lifestyleGabby JacobsenComment

Looking for Inspiration in 2022

Reconnecting after 16 months

Who else feels like their life has been on hold since the beginning of COVID? My last blog post was in August of 2020 - a year after I started my new job and 5 months following the start of COVID. I suppose I hadn’t found very much to inspire following so much disappointment. Cancelled plans. Missing friends. Loneliness. All in the hope of avoiding COVID in our home.

COVID caught up to us in the end, and I really mean the end, as in the end of 2021. On December 14th, I started feeling like I had a cold starting. I stayed home from work since I had a jury and co-workers with suppressed immune systems. Even if it was just a cold, I didn’t want to start an epidemic right before the holidays. I received a negative COVID test that Thursday and was miserable all weekend. That following Monday I went to work, mainly to pick up my laptop to work remotely while my boss was on vacation. I wore my mask, kept my distance and sanitized everything. That afternoon I checked in with an urgent care doctor who suggested I get retested. The following morning, December 21st, my 50th birthday, I received a positive test for COVID. Since the new Omnicron strain was so infectious, the doctor said that we should assume the entire house is infected. Symptoms showed up a few days later in both my husband and my eldest daughter. Neither of whom had quite the severity of symptoms as I had. My father-in-law, who had a booster about a month ago, only had a runny nose for a day. My youngest, who contracted COVID in March 2021, was spared this time around.

I believe everyone in our family was suffering from depression and lack of excitement. Despite having taken a vacation to the East Coast in June, we still felt a sense of separation. For most of 2021, my Judge and I were working either remotely or in a virtual courtroom with little to no contact with people throughout the day. My husband, albeit relaxed retired schedule, was in isolation much of his days with only his dad or our eldest daughter for company. Likewise, my eldest daughter lost her volunteer program at the start of the pandemic and while we attempted to keep her active in the community, most programs were cancelled. My youngest was successful in keeping herself busy with full time remote school and a couple of long-term film production jobs. She was working 60-70 hours per week, doing full time remote classes and catching up with her college friends in the evenings playing Minecraft.

Our saving grace was being able to run away to our Crescent Bar vacation home whenever we could. Of course, my husband and the kids more than me, but it was nice knowing that my husband was finally getting some well-deserved relaxation. A highlight of the year was the nearly full remodel of our vacation home. New floors, painted walls, shiplap, new cabinetry, new hallway, new bedroom, and complete kitchen remodel (WITH a new dishwasher!) All of these changes I will post in a separate blog - it definitely deserves it’s own introduction.

As the last week of 2021 rolled around, I started thinking about new beginnings, as I do every time this year. Gaining inspiration from Instagram Bloggers that I follow. @lizmariegalvan started cleaning up Christmas this past Sunday, changing up her beautiful farmhouse to “winter” rather than Christmas. Being snowed in and the court having decided to close today, I took advantage of the long day by removing 80% of my Christmas decor. Leaving only the lighted trees to help ring in the new year. It’s time for a fresh start.

I spent time creating and designing a new planning system this morning, and one of the options I chose was a blogging worksheet each month. It’s time for me to start getting inspired and maybe even inspiring others. And while COVID may still be up front in the news - keeping us hidden behind masks and protecting our families - we should all find things to get a bit of pre-COVID selves back.

I would love to hear from you - so maybe tell me how you are getting organized or inspired in 2022. Maybe we should start a book club, or a ladies group. I’m game!!

How will you be inspired?

First name basis with the delivery drivers?

lifestyle, FashionGabby Jacobsen

My husband just quit asking …


At this point, my husband just quit asking. Drivers show up at the door, sometimes multiple times per day, but being champion of the working class, he supports my online shopping to help keep businesses (and delivery companies) afloat. We’re both fortunate to be working remotely, saving money on gas, eating out, Starbucks that it seems the least we can do to support the economy. And no, with the exception to the UPS guy who’s been with us for years, I don’t know all their first names.

I received a few things that I’m especially happy about! I thought I’d give you a little “review” of how I’m enjoying these purchases.

My good buddy, who is a former Chloe + Isabel Merchie, is names Edlin Escobar. She lives in sunny California and is oh so fashionably fabulous! She has a great social media following because of her fashion and makeup knowledge. I am kinda envious of her apartment decor too - she has the perfect California Boho vibe. She recently started repping Beauty Counter so I immediately sat up and took notice.

Edlin is particular so I know to trust her intuition. She shared on social media about the All Bright C Serum and how wonderfully it was working for her. The serum purports to lighten the skin, reduce the appearance of dark spots and defend the skin against environmental stressors. That all sounded like something I needed to try!

Ever since the blasted 45 hit me, I’ve been struggling with some serious dark spots on my face. No, these aren’t cute freckles caused by the sun, but the large dark areas neglected in large part and exacerbated by no sunscreen during my formative convertible vehicle years. I’ve been using a regimen for the last few years, and while it definitely lightened my spots, sans makeup, my daughters still comment that they can see the dark lines on my face.

After using the All Bright C Serum and the Overnight Resurfacing Peel for about 2 weeks, I have to say I’m really seeing a difference, and it feels lovely. Sometimes the other regimen dried out my skin - but this feels soft and gives me a glow. Truly! When I put it on, I feel like I could walk out of the house with a bit of a sunshine on my face. The Overnight Peel is used a few times per week, dries in 15 minutes and simply washes off with your morning face ritual. Between the two, I’ve been really happy.

If you’d like to shop Beauty Counter (and I’m really considering adding to my collection) try Edlin’s website. She’s down to earth, friendly and budget friendly. I just received an email today informing me the All Bright C Serum was out of stock, but they’re taking pre-orders.

And tell Edlin I said hello!


My favorite hand soap

Oh Aveda … take me away

Waaaaay back, even pre kids I think, my sister in law Yvonne bought me some of this Avenda Rosemary Mint hand and body wash for my birthday. Once I started using it, I fell in love with the scent and softness of my skin. Since then, it’s always been on my “must have beauty requirements” list. I carefully guard the bottles against overuse on stuff like my husband’s greasy hands and let people know “a little goes a long way”. I buy the BIG bottles for body soap in the shower and love bubblebaths with the lovely scent.

After running out of hand soap at our vacation home, I returned home to find our own home supply diminished as well. Who figured it would be so difficult to find hand soap? I searched Amazon and checked to see if Bath and Body Works was open. I couldn’t find any at Target, Safeway or even Costco. So I spoiled my household a bit and placed an order (getting some lovely Aveda points along the way) for 2 of the 8.5 fl oz bottles to fill the shortfall. I can continue to refill these with my BIG guy and I’m loving having it at my fingertips once again.

I would encourage anyone needing some hand soap to give Aveda a try. It’s pricey, but one small pump will fill your hands with a lovely lather and spa like smell. All available at

Much love from a fellow shopper!!


Jacobsen COVID Adventures

lifestyle, SunDazeGabby Jacobsen

Enjoying a bit of quiet

All of us … even the pups

Hello all!

So many thoughts have been running through my head about the pandemic. Us Jacobsens have been on an extended vacation of sorts and we are thankful for our blessings. We pray daily for our friends and family who are struggling, including our favorite shop owners, salespeople, medical staff, essential workers, hair dressers, masseuses, students, etc. We are so grateful for what feels like a bit of a “break” in our busy schedules and to the earth. We’re seeing clear skies in Seattle as well as beautiful skies from our home on the Columbia River.

The Today Show shared a report on how the pandemic is affecting “Mother Earth”. It made my heart sing to know just what happens when we are able to hit the reset button. My greatest hope is that we will take lessons learned from this crisis and help guide us into a more gentle effect on the earth. Just look at all the benefits of remote working - less traffic, less gas consumption, happier employees, happier families, less office space footprint, happier pets, more exercise, healthier food and lifestyles in general. Now that we know, can’t we keep it up to some degree?

Now, those of you who know me know I love my shopping and my personal care. These “essential” businesses are all but closed up and I miss my friends. In the beginning of the pandemic, I acknowledged with great admiration those stores I frequent who were continuing to pay their employees, and those who have continued to pay them through the extensions. JJill, Nordstroms, Pandora, Free People and many others. Those community small businesses have been on top of making sure their part of the unemployment documentation was complete and have made progress on safety when these businesses will open again. It is the duty of their regular customers to assist when the Governor reopens with a safety plan in place. Buy gift cards to help with the influx of income they will need to start repaying their rents, mortgages and utilities. Reach out and make early appointments so they can use their new procedures to the best of their ability. If they have an online presence, reach out if you need your supplies replenished. Or try new products. We need to gather around them in their time of need.

Which leads me to how the Jacobsen Family has been surviving the pandemic. We are very blessed that both Dave and I have essential jobs and our employers have been committed to keeping us working and safe. Dave’s job has always been one that could be done remotely and we are blessed it was relatively easy to make the transition. His office shut down for several weeks and now only a few front office staffers are rotating time in the office to get essential “in office only” tasks completed. He has been working diligently with his members on pay, benefits, seniority and referring them to companies hiring drivers. The members he represents are very lucky indeed.

King County quickly developed remote working conditions to allow court staff to work from home. The IT Department truly stepped up to move all of us home, providing VPN access and being creative to allow us to continue hearing emergency motions and essential calendars remotely, while working with the clerk’s office to be “on the record” and in open court. Of course, there is nobody in the courtrooms, but conference calls and open conference phones in the courtrooms allow for the court processes to continue. All of this ingenuity is keeping our family working and allowing us to make contributions to our community. It’s also given us time to quiet our lives and be thankful for the small things:

  • that I’m not having to homeschool!! (That’s #1. Good lord, that would’ve been a disaster for both them and me.)

  • A 12-minute commute to Seattle on the days when I have to be in a courtroom.

  • Eating lunch with family.

  • NO makeup weeks.

  • Jean shorts and Berks as my office attire.

  • Home projects completed.

  • Working remotely from anywhere …

  • Best Buy curbside pick up

  • Pauline’s Nail Salon’s mini care packs put out weekly for upkeep

  • CWU Film Department for an excellent start to their online Spring quarter

  • My friend Leslie who is picking up our overflowing donation pile to bring to her church

  • Dave’s time home makes my father-in-law who suffers from Alzheimers feel safe and loved

  • More time with my college student when she comes home

  • Mid-day time on the patio in the sunshine with my older daughter who lives at home

  • More home cooking

  • Wild animals returning to our communities and oceans

  • Clear skies and cleaner waters

  • And just generally having time to laugh and play with family.

Many of our friends and family are not as fortunate and we will continue to pray and use our resources to help where we can. Please know that you are all in our prayers daily and while we do not support the government opening too early and fear daily for one of us contracting this terrible virus, we believe in our faith, our family and our world. We will make it through this as we have during other crises and maybe even come out stronger because of it.

Keep looking forward my friends.