Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living


Jacobsen COVID Adventures

lifestyle, SunDazeGabby Jacobsen

Enjoying a bit of quiet

All of us … even the pups

Hello all!

So many thoughts have been running through my head about the pandemic. Us Jacobsens have been on an extended vacation of sorts and we are thankful for our blessings. We pray daily for our friends and family who are struggling, including our favorite shop owners, salespeople, medical staff, essential workers, hair dressers, masseuses, students, etc. We are so grateful for what feels like a bit of a “break” in our busy schedules and to the earth. We’re seeing clear skies in Seattle as well as beautiful skies from our home on the Columbia River.

The Today Show shared a report on how the pandemic is affecting “Mother Earth”. It made my heart sing to know just what happens when we are able to hit the reset button. My greatest hope is that we will take lessons learned from this crisis and help guide us into a more gentle effect on the earth. Just look at all the benefits of remote working - less traffic, less gas consumption, happier employees, happier families, less office space footprint, happier pets, more exercise, healthier food and lifestyles in general. Now that we know, can’t we keep it up to some degree?

Now, those of you who know me know I love my shopping and my personal care. These “essential” businesses are all but closed up and I miss my friends. In the beginning of the pandemic, I acknowledged with great admiration those stores I frequent who were continuing to pay their employees, and those who have continued to pay them through the extensions. JJill, Nordstroms, Pandora, Free People and many others. Those community small businesses have been on top of making sure their part of the unemployment documentation was complete and have made progress on safety when these businesses will open again. It is the duty of their regular customers to assist when the Governor reopens with a safety plan in place. Buy gift cards to help with the influx of income they will need to start repaying their rents, mortgages and utilities. Reach out and make early appointments so they can use their new procedures to the best of their ability. If they have an online presence, reach out if you need your supplies replenished. Or try new products. We need to gather around them in their time of need.

Which leads me to how the Jacobsen Family has been surviving the pandemic. We are very blessed that both Dave and I have essential jobs and our employers have been committed to keeping us working and safe. Dave’s job has always been one that could be done remotely and we are blessed it was relatively easy to make the transition. His office shut down for several weeks and now only a few front office staffers are rotating time in the office to get essential “in office only” tasks completed. He has been working diligently with his members on pay, benefits, seniority and referring them to companies hiring drivers. The members he represents are very lucky indeed.

King County quickly developed remote working conditions to allow court staff to work from home. The IT Department truly stepped up to move all of us home, providing VPN access and being creative to allow us to continue hearing emergency motions and essential calendars remotely, while working with the clerk’s office to be “on the record” and in open court. Of course, there is nobody in the courtrooms, but conference calls and open conference phones in the courtrooms allow for the court processes to continue. All of this ingenuity is keeping our family working and allowing us to make contributions to our community. It’s also given us time to quiet our lives and be thankful for the small things:

  • that I’m not having to homeschool!! (That’s #1. Good lord, that would’ve been a disaster for both them and me.)

  • A 12-minute commute to Seattle on the days when I have to be in a courtroom.

  • Eating lunch with family.

  • NO makeup weeks.

  • Jean shorts and Berks as my office attire.

  • Home projects completed.

  • Working remotely from anywhere …

  • Best Buy curbside pick up

  • Pauline’s Nail Salon’s mini care packs put out weekly for upkeep

  • CWU Film Department for an excellent start to their online Spring quarter

  • My friend Leslie who is picking up our overflowing donation pile to bring to her church

  • Dave’s time home makes my father-in-law who suffers from Alzheimers feel safe and loved

  • More time with my college student when she comes home

  • Mid-day time on the patio in the sunshine with my older daughter who lives at home

  • More home cooking

  • Wild animals returning to our communities and oceans

  • Clear skies and cleaner waters

  • And just generally having time to laugh and play with family.

Many of our friends and family are not as fortunate and we will continue to pray and use our resources to help where we can. Please know that you are all in our prayers daily and while we do not support the government opening too early and fear daily for one of us contracting this terrible virus, we believe in our faith, our family and our world. We will make it through this as we have during other crises and maybe even come out stronger because of it.

Keep looking forward my friends.

We bought a boat!

lifestyle, SunDazeGabby JacobsenComment

A dream comes true …

and just like that, we bought a boat

My dad was a mechanic and electrician and when I was little, he traded a car he’d fixed up for a small boat. He repaired the engine and we’d go out to Lake Washington to run around a bit on the water. A little while later, he traded that boat for another larger boat with a busted engine and he fixed that one too. Somehow, however, as with most boats, one of us always ended up hanging off the front of the boat with a rope towing us back to the dock. Even after all that, there’s no place I’d rather be than in the sunshine on a boat, just cruising and listening to music with friends and my family.

When Dave and I were newly married, Dave inherited a wood boat from his uncle. We coddled that little motor boat with love and attention and took our small girls for boat rides. Eventually, Dave sold it and we upgraded to a boat with cleaner lines and room for our growing girls. That 16” Four Winds open-bow served us well, but unfortunately, much like my dad’s disappointment in his used boat, it caused many headaches and heartache.

We’d never given up hope that someday we would be able to afford a beautiful, new and reliable boat. Dave has spent the last 2-3 years searching on Craigslist and doing research on pontoon boats. By the time we made it to the Seattle Boat Show 2 weekends ago, he knew exactly what he wanted. We are generally pretty practical people and knew that we couldn’t be talked into details and expense that we didn’t need. Our family of 5 (heavy a live-in father-in-law) needed something easy to board, easy going, and fun.

Godfrey boats, presented at the show by Puget Marine, captured our attention as being the best in the pontoon game. We’d spent an hour with one of the engineers from the plant in Elkhart, Indiana, learning about the company, the options and why Godfrey is the best pontoon choice for our needs. We looked at at least 5 other brands before making our choice, and we couldn’t be happier.

This weekend, we drove down to Puget Marine in Olympia, Washington for an opportunity to take our new boat for a ride, just to make sure it’s exactly what we wanted. If we thought we were certain at the boat show that it was what we wanted, the trip around the Sound solidified our decision. (On a side note, the storm that hit the PNW on Friday night had blown over and we were greeted with a cold but beautifully clear, sunny skies for our little Saturday morning boat ride.)

So now it’s ours!

Puget Marine is going to store it for us for the next few months while we get the parking spot prepared at our vacation home property. But come summer, we’re going to be out on the Columbia River with the rest of our friends enjoying life and everything the river has to offer.

We’ve learned a lot in the 24 years we’ve been married. We’ve saved and made mistakes and provided a better education for our kids. It feels nice to enter this new phase in our lives, and before we’re 50! =) I know, most people have been playing for years already, boats, cars, big homes, trips. We have to choose our own time and our comfort level. But this sure does feel like both!

Welcome to the family … 20' Godfrey Sweetwater Pontoon boat! We can’t wait to bring you home.

Naming suggestions welcome!!

And Charlie Crocker from Puget Marine was the easiest guy to work with! Click on the picture to be directed to the website for this small boat shop that’s been in business for 50+ years. Where customers are their #1.

And Charlie Crocker from Puget Marine was the easiest guy to work with! Click on the picture to be directed to the website for this small boat shop that’s been in business for 50+ years. Where customers are their #1.

And many thanks to my brother Matt who joined us on a little shopping adventure! It’s always so much fun with him along. (And he helps Dave with the important details, like “Mars vs Venus” arguments about accessories! LOL)


lifestyle, SunDazeGabby Jacobsen

Baby Calvin

Seven4One Prints

This little Lowline/Angus calf belonged to my niece, it was one of the first babies born on her family farm. Little Calvin attracted the attention of the the owners of Seven4One, who chose Calvin’s photo to be featured as part of their 2019 Sprint collection. But I totally thought I missed the boat! Each time I tried to purchase one of the prints, it was sold out! My niece takes the most beautiful farm photos and I was so looking forward to showcasing her art.

Last week, I sent a message to Seven4One to share my disappointment that I missed out on my Calvin photo. Well, today I received my 12x12 print!! They’d found one for me and shipped it immediately - and I’m so excited. Calvin will have a special place of honor in my Eastern Washington vacation home, SunDaze. In fact, I’m planning on buying more prints because how appropriate would it be to decorate in a classic and elegant farm way? Especially in the middle of a lush farming area of Washington State.

Visit my niece’s Instgram account at pnwfarmlife_oregon for some of the most beautiful small farm photos. She and her family raise ethical cattle. Their cows are cuddled, coddled and loved. Each baby has their own story and her husband is the ultimate cow-whisperer. I’m so proud of how this city-kid makes good on her husband’s farm dreams.

Finally, there’s room in everyone’s home for a little home town print. Just browse their Instagram site at and see how they add these prints to trendy decor.

Shop local. Support farms. Think ethical.

Airbnb Decisions

SunDazeGabby Jacobsen

SunDaze and Airbnb

Putting my investigative skills to work

SunDaze has been getting alot of hits since December. Concert goers for the Gorge Amphitheater are attempting to secure rental spaces for their groups - and Crescent Bar is the perfect location! I’ve been very selective in the approvals this season and have declined more than accepted. 2018 was a very successful year for rentals with only 1 guest leaving the place as you generally would a hotel room, rather than someone’s home. I spent most of the summer driving back and forth mid-week which I loved! Unfortunately (well and fortunately at the same time) I am now working full time so mid-week travel is not an option. Planning is the key for 2019 summer season.

To date, I have had 4 reservation requests for a particular weekend in June. It just happens to be a weekend-long dance party at the Gorge. In reality, we weren’t even certain we wanted to rent that weekend because of the crowds and whether we’d be able to get our home turned around again. But our last Airbnb request pushed us to block out the weekend.

I received back to back requests for the same weekend. The first guy told me he was traveling to town with 5 people to attend a family wedding from out of state. Under normal circumstances, this would have been acceptable. However, when I looked at his Airbnb profile, he had one extremely negative review. I was pleased to see that he had cancelled his request, so I moved onto the other.

This woman also was also traveling with 5 people to attend a family wedding from out of state. She had 1 positive review on Airbnb, but upon closer inspection of the photo, it was the SAME family as the previous request! Same couple, same baby!

Needless to say, I declined her request too because I can’t afford to have my home destroyed or my friendly neighbors upset by our Airbnb business.

It’s always a bit of a crapshoot when you rent to strangers. I’m proud to say that I believe doing your due diligence always works out in the end.

2018 What a ride!

Chloe + Isabel, DIY, lifestyle, Sseko, SunDazeGabby Jacobsen

Goodbye 2018

It’s been memorable!

It’s coming up on a year ago last February that I started this Blog. My original idea was to combine my family news, Chloe + Isabel sales and our new SunDaze Airbnb rental all in one social media space. It can be exhausting tagging multiple social media outlets as well as getting a newsletter together every week.

A few life changes took my blogging on a weird tangent. Sadly, the business that had saved me from my depression following mom’s death had taken a bit of a turn. The company had been sold by the founder and was following a more traditional “team building” business development. Gone were the days when I could be supported to just run my own business and gain recognition and incentives within the company. I still am in LOVE with the designs and quality, but part of my drive is in hitting goals and attending conventions with the wonderful friends I’d met. So many of whom left the company and left me brokenhearted.

In walked Sseko with it’s gorgeous leather designs and ribbon sandals! The Sseko story is one of a beautiful sisterhood of support here in the US and worldwide. Unfortunately, these big ticket items weren’t a huge hit for my original 300+ customer base.

Despite these negative blips, 2018 was really quite remarkable.

Dave was extremely busy this year with adding new Teamsters to his Tank Haul roster, negotiating first contracts, adding more groups to his plate, renewing old contracts, contemplating strikes … but this also took any big vacation off the table. We just couldn’t come up with a week of uninterrupted work for him. So, the girls and I spent much of our summer east of the mountains at SunDaze. I traveled over nearly weekly, running our Airbnb business and enjoying the summer weather and time with friends. It was the first summer of “no work” and just enjoying our new place. Many of the kids’ friends joined us and filled the bunkhouse with happy sounds. Card games in the carport, movie nights, floating on the river, 6 people in the golf cart, and coming up with new rules like “What happens at CB stays at CB.”

We had some great guests and the Airbnb thing was a big success! Great reviews from our guests and I’ve had about a dozen requests already for next summer. We earned enough to pay for 6 months of our HOA dues - a big relief since my new Golf Wagon was developing a serious relationship with the mountain pass and long drives back and forth from Seattle.

Overall, 2018 was one for the Jacobsen record books:

  • 1 kid graduating college

  • 1 kid graduating high school (and no private school tuition)

  • 1st summer of Airbnb

  • A little forgiveness

  • Lovely new friend groups

  • Leading a healthier life

  • Living my best life in cut offs and Berkenstocks!

  • New job

  • Following the start of my baby’s career in film production

  • Sending a kid away to college

  • Big steps and accolads for my husband in the Teamster union

  • Sseko summit in Portland

  • Trip with my husband to Vegas for Teamster convention

  • OMG - finally putting up railings on the back deck and completing BBQ area

I am forever greatful for my wonderful husband for allowing me time at home with my girls. It was such a joy getting the chance to really be there for my daughter’s last year at our alma mater and enjoying all the “lasts” that she was going through. Getting time to spend with my older daughter as we working on healthy habits and making plans for when it will be just the 3 of us at home again in the fall. Living my best life in casual clothes and optional shower times is really where I lived the dream. My makeup optional, growing out my hair and yes, even braless days are what I look forward to in my retirement years.

So on this, the last day of 2018, the Jacobsens say goodbye to a year of great new beginnings and get ready to set goals for 2019!

More to come soon!!

Well hello again ...

lifestyle, Sseko, SunDazeGabby JacobsenComment

Well hello again

If you thought the beginning of the summer was busy ...

Wow, unbelievable past month! I kept thinking “if I could just get to August, things will slow down.” I spoke toooooo soon. Let me explain why I haven’t written.

Let’s start with Diana’s last minute trip to Hawaii with a friend’s family, which, as it turned out, was the last weekend away from Crescent Bar. Since then, we’ve spent pretty much every weekend there! Or at least 3 days a week there during August. (And guess what? We’re going back this weekend to make it a completely full month of travel!)

A few very special events took place that have caused me to neglect my blogging. We went directly from my sister-in-law and her kids visiting Seattle from Georgia which included a trip to Crescent Bar to show them our new oasis, into a weekend of Airbnb readiness. Spent a day with some Yaya friends in Sunland during my mid-week return to get the Airbnb ready for the next client and then returned in time for Diana’s homecoming from Hawaii. Home for a few days and I think we did a few days of Seafair Hydro craziness and then attended a beautiful country wedding in Thorp (yes, people actually live around the Thorp Fruit Stand LOL). Came home that evening and directly into an outdoor concert and a full week of showing Minnesota relatives around Seattle for 3 days and then to CB and Leavenworth to show them a bit of the East side of the state. Whew ... 22nd anniversary with family over and bam! A week full of appointments and court coverage in Seattle. Leaving tonight to return to CB and have some fun at the Ellensburg Rodeo! 

Diana has been working very long days in the Seattle movie industry and I’m happy to report that she’s LOVING it! So exciting to see her take on this level of maturity and responsibility. She’s completed 3 film projects over the course of the summer, working all but the week in Hawaii at least 3-4 days per week, for sometimes longer than 12 hours per day. She’s rocking it and reports coming in say she’s hardworking, dependable and a joy to work with. Currently she’s atop Mount Rainier assisting a commercial film crew. Only 11 days left before we move her off to college in Eastern Washington ... 

With the coming changes, I thought I’d try my hand at employment again. I still LOVE my direct sales and Sseko means more to me than ever before with my Executive Fellow promotion. But now that the kids are off REALLY doing their own things, it’s time for me to start keeping myself busy to avoid the fact that one of my best friends is moving away. 

I expect my posts to become a bit more frequent in the coming weeks (well ... after 9/10) as life settles in. I’ll need an outlet for this new phase of my life - so stay tuned and I’ll try to keep myself together. =)

Big Birthday Sale - and Mystery Hostess

lifestyle, Fashion, SunDaze, SsekoGabby JacobsenComment
Day 2 (2).jpg

It's time for a big Birthday Sale!

... and earn Mystery Hostess credits!

What better time to be introduced to Sseko then during the biggest annual sale of the year! In honor of this event, I'm hosting a Mystery Hostess event and here's how you can earn entries into the Grand Prize giveaway!



A new group of favorite items will go on sale each morning - and I’ll make the announcement early in the morning. They will be at deep reductions AND will go quickly as our Spring/Summer inventory is fading away. You’ll want to do some pre-shopping to get items on your Wish List and set your budget. Then watch for my daily posts and check out (maybe on the train to work or while drinking your morning coffee). There will be 7 days of sales starting on July 12th. 

I’ll add another 1 pt to your entries if you email or text me your Wish List so I can keep an eye out for sale items - you may even get a text before the sale opens so you’ll be prepared!! (Hint hint)

Here’s how to win the whole kitten-caboodle :

1 pt - share, tag AND comment this Blog post to your own Facebook page

2 pts - during the above shared post, list your favorite Sseko product

3 pts - refer a friend who places any size order

4 pts - make a purchase of less than $50

5 pts - make a purchase of less than $100

6 pts - host a Facebook event (1 hour online) between July 12-18 with at least 3 purchases

7 pts - book a Home Trunk Show between July 12th - August 31st (credits will be awarded following your event, or 3 early purchases)

I have plans for a Grand Open House in August, but I will be hosting a quick Open House this Saturday morning, July 14th from 10am - noon, in my home. This will allow you to see, touch and try out products you've been seeing online. I will be able to provide additional information on products I do not have. RSVP is mandatory, please let me know by Friday at noon.

How about some mimosas and cupcakes to celebrate Sseko's birthday?

Grab a little girl time before your family activities ramp up for the weekend.

Riverfest is here!

lifestyle, Sseko, SunDazeGabby JacobsenComment

It’s overwhelming to own a vacation home, and the past 3 weeks I’ve been more in Eastern Washington than on the West Side! My family (and my daughters friends) have been looking forward to the Riverfest celebration for months. Boating exhibitions, water skiing/wakeboarding competitions, vendors and lots of people celebrating the start of summer. My daughter has 5 friends joining her, my brother and sister-in-law are swinging by this afternoon on their way home from Idaho and more friends joining us on Saturday afternoon. So much fun and right in our element! We love lots of people around (glad we bought the extra beer!)

I reached Senior Fellow in my Sseko business last month and I’m happy to be a vendor on Saturday at the Riverfest event. What better way to introduce these beautiful sandals to people hanging out in the sunshine! I’ve spent the last 2 weeks bringing over my outdoor vendor supplies and I’m setting up tomorrow morning at 8am. Thankfully I have a awning and a small cooler for drinks. 

Now that all my graduations and parties are complete (with the exception of my older daughter’s 21st birthday on Tuesday) I can totally focus on my Sseko Story and start booking trunk shows. Are you ready for your friends to be introduced to these beautiful products? 

I will be gifting a Moon Clutch to anyone who books with me in July ... and for anyone who makes a purchase in July will be entered to win a $50 Sseko gift card! And because we have a little over a week left in June, I’ll raffle off a $25 Sseko gift card to use on whatever is on your wish list when you make a purchase.

I’m going to sign off for now and check back with you guys next week ... enjoying Crescent Bar life with my family and friends!!

Much love,

