God bless nurses
for all they do to soothe emotional patients
“Are you okay hunny? ”
Apparently the surgical center does mot see “young people” like me often. Upon reflection, this particular surgery is 99% more likely in people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. General cataract surgery is quite common, in fact, Dave discovered during his 1.5 hour wait that the US performs 2 million cataract surgeries per year. 20 million world wide. (Apparently, it also decreases the likelihood of experiencing a hip fracture by 16%. LOL) Only in these odd circumstances do severely visually impacted patients elect to undergo this life changing procedure. My FSA funds were depleted by $2,200 for the new lens in my Left eye (the surgical costs being covered by my insurance due to my decreased night vision).
I’m certain my nurse was quite surprised to see me crying when she came to check on me following surgery. To be honest, the “relaxation drugs” they gave me via IV didn’t feel like they did much. I was totally ok to get up and walk out as soon as they unhooked me. So once I was freed, I opened my eyes and immediately started looking around the room. The first thing I saw was the can light in the ceiling, then the machines, then my feet … I could hardly believe I could actually see outlines of objects. I was so emotional I started to cry. After living in a world of Monet-like images, I was suddenly seeing so clearly. She opted to give me a few minutes to myself to cry it out. My first thought “Mom, it worked! Thank you for being here!”
I lost it again when I saw Dave in the waiting room, and maybe a few more times yesterday. I’m sure it was like seeing one of those babies experiences glasses or hearing aids for the first time.
As I write, it is 6:00 AM in the morning. I’m sitting in the livingroom with the Christmas lights shining, watching the news with only a Right contact in, and catching you up on my status. I’m working on my laptop, still a bit fuzzy but doable.
It’s almost certain I will require reading glasses following my next surgery. I elected to have my distance vision the focus of my new lenses, since I have never seen the world clearly, even with prescription lenses. I will be age-appropriately in need of some readers, but this I will never regret.
I will post another blog soon describing the surgery and my experience. I have a follow up this morning and a check up with my eye doctor next week. My Right eye surgery is January 4th (with another $2,200 hit to my 2023 FSA funds. LOL) so this saga isn’t over yet.
In the meantime, I appreciate the birthday wishes yesterday!! Of course, I enjoyed the Jack Ryan Season 3, taking a couple short naps and having my little family around to keep me company. Sleep was a little difficult last night simply because I couldn’t sleep on my left side or with my face shoved into my pillow which is my normal “not doctor recommended” sleep position. But my eye does not hurt. My iPhone alarms are set for my eye drops routine and I’m going to enjoy the few weeks at home.
Happy holidays ! Be sure to be thankful for the gifts God has given you - and today I am thankful for Dr. Israelsen who has gifted me the ability to see our beautiful world.