Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living


Happy .. Winter!

lifestyleGabby Jacobsen

Happy … Winter!

Oh, that’s where I left off.

Goodness sakes! Has it really been since August that I’ve written to ya’ll? It’s been an exciting adventure for my family as the summer ended with some big weekends at our SunDaze, weddings, visitors, and packing our youngest off to her university mid-September. Somewhere in all of that, I began interviewing for full-time jobs and once again putting myself in the hands of the spirit to guide my life.

When I last left you, we had our dining room acting as “ground zero” for all of my daughter’s college equipment. She was living on borrowed time at home so everything she was bringing, save some clothes and toiletries, were packed using my superior organizational skills, waiting for moving day. She moved over 4 days before most of her freshman peers in order to attend a Leadership camp experience which would afford her an additional 5 credits and a great source for meeting new friends.

When moving day arrived, I was ready to get her moved in with the help of my husband, my older daughter and the new college student. We only had 4 hours to get everything in and organized before she had to catch the bus back out of town. We were done in 2 … I had all the essentials ready to go, including packed lunch so we didn’t have to run out during our short time together. Pictures were hung, clothes put away, bedding situated, bathroom and desk set up and all her electronics ready to go!  Since her 2 roommates weren’t moving for several days, we were able to take our time and enjoy a little lunch before taking pictures and heading back out of town.  No tears, even now! She’s so good and settled into college life. She has dozens of friends and seems to meet more every week. She loves her classes, clubs and new experiences. Do I miss having her at home … sure! But we talk daily, send funny Snapchats all the time, and she still comes to me for advice and a little Mom-love. Over the next 2 months, I drove over to SunDaze every few weeks, stopping by her dorm to bring her to lunch or something from home. I set up a monthly PuraVita bracelet shipment and kept her snack supplies coming through Amazon. As I write this, she’s a week away from Winter quarter and I couldn’t be more excited as her new goals start coming into play.

Starting in late September I began receiving invitations to interview for new positions. I had put my resume out on and applied for really random professional jobs at various companies in the PNW. After receiving a few offers, I settled on taking an Executive Position at one of our regional hospitals. Yes, I know, healthcare right? What do I know about healthcare? Little to nothing, but that’s not what I am being asked to do. I work in hospital administration, for the Chief Operating Officer no less, so basically doing what I was doing for my judge without the hassle of jurors, attorneys, courtrooms, courthouses, criminals, pro se litigants and commuting. I manage his calendar, keep track of expenses, event planning, capital expenses and anything else needing to be done around the office. I make sure he’s organized so he can do what he does best. To date, I’ve passed my 60 day review and haven’t been fired, so I guess I’m doing something right.

I enjoy working in the community where I was raised and I feel like I’ve settled into the position. While I still have lots to learn about the hospital (including finding my way around), I’m satisfied that I found something meaningful and educational. PLUS, it makes me a little more responsible about my own healthcare. It’s difficult to put off those blood tests your PCP has been trying to get you to do when your boss walks you down to the lab. ROFL

Cheers to the holidays and I promise to try to be more active in my posts! But until you hear from me again, have a wonderful new start to your 2019!