Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living


A little Sunday drive ...

lifestyleGabby Jacobsen

It’s always a good time to wander

North Cascades Highway

In early September, my husband saw a post on Facebook about the beautiful fall colors along the North Cascades Highway (better known as Hwy 20 for you out of towners). We’re not a family of “long drives” focusing rather on projects and the many sources of local activities. If we were gonna take the time to drive somewhere, we’d go and stay overnight and hang out, much like what we do at Crescent Bar. But on Saturday, with no plans for Sunday, I suggested we take the drive on a whim. So we packed up the “kids” (kids = papa and our oldest kid) and take off to see some nature.

All of who have taken the route before will already know the end of our story … the leaves had already dropped. But, it was a beautiful sunny day. We spent 8 hours in the car laughing and joking around. We stopped at no less than a dozen points of interest along the way, took photographs and just spent time.

We have it on our calendar next October to take the trip a little sooner and make it a priority. Maybe make it a weekend trip with a stop in Leavenworth, Wenatchee and an overnight in our little Crescent Bar home. But regardless, we had a fun day ending with a little shopping at the Seattle Outlet Mall for new clothes for the husband and a few Christmas gifts taken care of before a nail-biting Seahawks win.

Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
— Dalai Lama

Best Day of the Sseko sale is here!

Sseko, lifestyle, FashionGabby Jacobsen

The best sale day has arrived

But only for 24 hours!!

And it’s here! I’ve having a difficult time not clicking that “Purchase” button on the beautiful Carryall Travel bag. You see, Sseko travel collection doesn’t go on sale, even for us Sseko Sisters! This is a rare opportunity to own a gorgeous piece of luggage.

Should I bite the bullet and bring this baby with me to Mexico??

Seattle Snowmaggedon

Chloe + Isabel, Fashion, SsekoGabby JacobsenComment

Snowmaggedon Shopping

Something to chase away the snow storm blues

A foot of snow dumped at our house within 18 hours yesterday. My day includes laundry, catching up on new movies On Demand and keeping the snow off our dog Homer’s hair (I’m not sure why our Shiz Tzu’s hair doesn’t collect snowballs like our Maltipoo.)

Are you looking for something amazing to do while you’re sitting around catching up on your Netflix series? How about a little online shopping?

Both of my beautiful businesses just launched their Spring collections! I received my Sseko Designs spring collection and everything I received is so gorgeous. The Sseko story is completely inspirational and making a purchase benefits women in Uganda, Ethiopia and India. Chloe + Isabel’s spring collection was inspired by Lisbon and although small, has tropical hints that make me think of summer even when stuck in a foot of snow.

What’s Up Wednesday?

Fashion, Chloe + Isabel, NewsletterGabby JacobsenComment

Check out the Mother’s Day Garden Party capsule launch and 6 new Unicorns from the Chloe + Isabel vintage vault in my What’s Up Wednesday newsletter. While you’re there, read my feature about one of my favorite people, Mary Siracuse, an extremely talented seamstress who specializes in bridal alterations and extraordinary travel experiences. Got a Prom dress needing help? Give her a call and book your appointment today!