Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living

recycled wood

Bunkhouse neeeearly done!

DIY, lifestyle, SunDazeGabby JacobsenComment

Our little group completed 97% of the bunkhouse this past weekend and I'm super excited to see that 8-month project completed. We laughed and laughed and laughed because that's what we do when we work together.

The total cost of renovating the bunk house from a storage shed to a functional room that sleeps 4-5 people/kids was $60. We used recycled wood, wood from under the deck at our Kent home, decking from Papa's neighbor and the useless decorative bridge on our CB property, wood my old employer recycled from his family's Cashmere farm ... you name it. It went to make the bunks a line the walls. It's all been whitewashed and cleaned up for company!

The steps still need a bit of work, but it was a great recycled find by Dave from Second Used in Seattle. He paid $25 for this great chunk of wood! All we need to do is cut some 2X6, stain them dark and screw them to each step. A curtain for the window and some cord maintenance.

I'm so happy it's done.

We only have a door to install, padlock for another door, a little spot painting in the house and we're ready to rock and roll.