Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living


An update to Papa

Alzheimer'sGabby JacobsenComment

In the beginning, Papa didn't quite understand what Alzheimer's was. I compiled some easy information for him to digest and gave him the contact information for the Alzheimer's Association. He was angry for awhile (as much as that happy-go-lucky man can be angry) but only that he's eventually going to die.

He and I have talked quite a bit about his diagnosis and I've been able to get him to realize that we ALL die. It's the circle of life. But what you choose to do with your life is what makes it great. Unfortunately, since becoming a widower, he doesn't do much but sit in his chair, go through the mail piece by piece, and hang out with us.

We've always lovingly called him "Homer" after Homer Simpson and thus his quick transition through these phases reminds me of the cartoon's skit often seen on TV.

Other than his diagnosis, he's doing great! In fact, the complications we'd been having him monitoring his own medications are now gone! He's doing great - but he just needed some time (and a bit of a threat of buying a locked distribution machine at his cost) to get used to the new plan.

But, in way of an update, he's good.