Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living



lifestyleGabby JacobsenComment

I waited 14 years to be a full-time stay at home mom. When the girls were little, I worked part-time, but when my youngest started Kindergarten we invited my mom to come live with us and share our lives. From that point on, I was able to return to work and get back some of the things Dave and I enjoyed before kids. A few family vacations, concerts, activities for the kids, and eventually private school education. When my oldest left high school and her tuition was paid for by the school district, I felt it possible to leave my job and pursue other opportunities.

I've been home for almost 18 months, and while we've adjusted, I haven't found anything that has inspired me, except spending time with my girls. In a few short months, the oldest graduates from her program at college and my youngest is university bound. By September, the big one will be working and the little one away. So what is mom going to do? Continue to stay home and talk to the dogs?

It's back to work I go! As much as I yearn for some consistent, well-paying part-time work, it may be necessary to return to full-time. I've added my name to the list of returning bailiffs when a position becomes available I can apply for and we'll see how it goes! I'm giving this one up to my mom, applying for anything that sounds interesting and hoping that she will lead me in the correct path.

In the meantime, we've got a deck to complete, a possible kitchen remodel for a friend, helping my wonderful friend Heather when she needs a hand, getting the big one off to school, and preparing for a graduation party. That's plenty for now ...

It's finally sunny in the PNW - so get out and enjoy it!
