Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living


First name basis with the delivery drivers?

lifestyle, FashionGabby Jacobsen

My husband just quit asking …


At this point, my husband just quit asking. Drivers show up at the door, sometimes multiple times per day, but being champion of the working class, he supports my online shopping to help keep businesses (and delivery companies) afloat. We’re both fortunate to be working remotely, saving money on gas, eating out, Starbucks that it seems the least we can do to support the economy. And no, with the exception to the UPS guy who’s been with us for years, I don’t know all their first names.

I received a few things that I’m especially happy about! I thought I’d give you a little “review” of how I’m enjoying these purchases.

My good buddy, who is a former Chloe + Isabel Merchie, is names Edlin Escobar. She lives in sunny California and is oh so fashionably fabulous! She has a great social media following because of her fashion and makeup knowledge. I am kinda envious of her apartment decor too - she has the perfect California Boho vibe. She recently started repping Beauty Counter so I immediately sat up and took notice.

Edlin is particular so I know to trust her intuition. She shared on social media about the All Bright C Serum and how wonderfully it was working for her. The serum purports to lighten the skin, reduce the appearance of dark spots and defend the skin against environmental stressors. That all sounded like something I needed to try!

Ever since the blasted 45 hit me, I’ve been struggling with some serious dark spots on my face. No, these aren’t cute freckles caused by the sun, but the large dark areas neglected in large part and exacerbated by no sunscreen during my formative convertible vehicle years. I’ve been using a regimen for the last few years, and while it definitely lightened my spots, sans makeup, my daughters still comment that they can see the dark lines on my face.

After using the All Bright C Serum and the Overnight Resurfacing Peel for about 2 weeks, I have to say I’m really seeing a difference, and it feels lovely. Sometimes the other regimen dried out my skin - but this feels soft and gives me a glow. Truly! When I put it on, I feel like I could walk out of the house with a bit of a sunshine on my face. The Overnight Peel is used a few times per week, dries in 15 minutes and simply washes off with your morning face ritual. Between the two, I’ve been really happy.

If you’d like to shop Beauty Counter (and I’m really considering adding to my collection) try Edlin’s website. She’s down to earth, friendly and budget friendly. I just received an email today informing me the All Bright C Serum was out of stock, but they’re taking pre-orders.

And tell Edlin I said hello!


My favorite hand soap

Oh Aveda … take me away

Waaaaay back, even pre kids I think, my sister in law Yvonne bought me some of this Avenda Rosemary Mint hand and body wash for my birthday. Once I started using it, I fell in love with the scent and softness of my skin. Since then, it’s always been on my “must have beauty requirements” list. I carefully guard the bottles against overuse on stuff like my husband’s greasy hands and let people know “a little goes a long way”. I buy the BIG bottles for body soap in the shower and love bubblebaths with the lovely scent.

After running out of hand soap at our vacation home, I returned home to find our own home supply diminished as well. Who figured it would be so difficult to find hand soap? I searched Amazon and checked to see if Bath and Body Works was open. I couldn’t find any at Target, Safeway or even Costco. So I spoiled my household a bit and placed an order (getting some lovely Aveda points along the way) for 2 of the 8.5 fl oz bottles to fill the shortfall. I can continue to refill these with my BIG guy and I’m loving having it at my fingertips once again.

I would encourage anyone needing some hand soap to give Aveda a try. It’s pricey, but one small pump will fill your hands with a lovely lather and spa like smell. All available at

Much love from a fellow shopper!!


Time for a little truth

lifestyle, Fashion, SsekoGabby Jacobsen

Do I stay or do I go?

How does this chapter end?

My mom’s Avon lady

When I was little, my mom would have a monthly (or maybe weekly, who knows) party around our kitchen table with all her neighborhood friends. Mom’s friend, Ione Bannister, would come over with her Avon loot and the ladies would shop and talk. There may have even been Tupperware parties here and there - but I always remember Ione and getting a bath with Skin-so-Soft that night.

Fast forward to when my mom passed away and I used my home sales business to keep my mind occupied and make a little money to help with those things she used to help us with, and then some. My little home business paid for cheer fees, swim fees, groceries and eventually our vacations. It was a wonderful little thing I had going! But all good things eventually come to an end and I found myself looking for another company to sell for 5 years later.

In came Sseko when I fell in love with the belt bag I saw on a friend of mine. I purchased one from her party, then hosted my own, then quickly jumped on board with this gorgeous company of inspirational women selling products in order to support our Sseko sisters in East Africa and India. But guess what, my regular customers were more of the bi-monthly, smaller purchase people. They loved the idea of new collections happening 4-5 times a year, with price points at less than $100 and lots of incentives.

Just recently a friend said “I’ve been watching your Sseko business, but it wasn’t until I actually received a piece, smelled it, felt it, that I realized just how high quality it is.” People still love their name brand bags no matter how often I ask them if they know where it was made or whether the leather was ethical or whether the purse helped women globally. I can’t share just how much it means to me that a women made the bag that I carry every day and that my bag is helping her live out her dream of attending university and building a better life for herself.

To be honest, I’m completely overwhelmed with work these days! I LOVE my new job!! I’m crazy about working with my new boss, and I have fun nearly everyday. I get home completely exhausted and between my job, spending time with family or over at Crescent Bar as much as possible, I just don’t have time for vendor shows or in-home Sseko events.

So here I sit, at a Starbucks (which I haven’t had time to do in awhile) wondering just how much longer I can keep this up. Do I hang up my hat on the whole home-business business?

I honestly miss all my old customers and our monthly communications. I wonder how they are all are … and I love watching their lives unfold on Facebook because we’re all still friends!

Oh what to do … what to do. I WILL be placing orders next week for some friends who will be ordering the “Like a Girl” is a Compliment tee shirts. Another friend has her eye on a few of the sale items. Maybe ya’ll just need me to reach out and nag you a bit more because you forget you liked something when I post about it.

If you read this and have an opinion, please let me know! I’d love to hear from you, whether it be to say hello, to tell me you want to order, to tell me to continue with Sseko because you believe in the mission, to go find another jewelry business to sell for because that’s your jam, or to throw in the towel because should try doing something different. Regardless of the reason, I thank God that I’ve had such a great run with home businesses because I feel confident about my ability to now live without my mom and it’s given me so many more wonderful people in my life.

Gotta run and pick up my kid who’s home from college this weekend.

Gabby out .. for now.

For the Spring 2020 "Hopefully Yours" Collection, we traveled the world in search of the most stunning materials and the most beautiful stories. We shot this catalog in Joshua Tree National Park as the Joshua Tree is a symbol of faith, hope and resilience in the midst of harsh conditions.