Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living


Uncle Jerry

lifestyleGabby Jacobsen


Still feeling dad’s love and protection through his brothers

Last week my Uncle Jerry had a birthday. He is one of my dad’s younger brothers and a shorter, rounder version of my dad. In fact, all of my uncles are the spitting image of him, right down to the beautiful black hair. The only differences are their sizes - some short, some tall, some thin, some muscular, some pleasantly plump, but all lovely men. After Uncle Jerry retired, he started making use of his local senior center wood shop. He and my Aunt Ruthie would collect wood from family farms, historical trees, and unusual species for him to use on his bowls. Each and every one of them is unique and beautiful. I have been blessed to be gifted a few of them, some of which have earned spots of honor in the courtrooms where I have worked. They serve as a daily reminder of Jerry, my dad and the paternal side of my family.

My dad grew up in Minnesota and moved to the Pacific Northwest when his job with the railroad moved he, my mom and 4 of my siblings to Seattle in the mid-60’s. Since that time, I have always enjoyed our family visits to visit my big, lovely, Catholic, mid-west, funny Polish relations.

Later in life, I have made efforts to return to MN to visit. They are all now in their mid-late 80’s and each time I leave them, I’m reminded that this may be the last hug and last goodbye.

I thank God everyday that I have wonderful memories of each and every one of them. Uncle Clarence calling early in the morning PST and yelling over the phone “Gabrielle, it’s your Uncle Clarence! Where’s your mudder?” Running between Uncle Jerry and Aunt Clara Ann’s house because they only lived a few blocks apart and there was a corner shop selling Otter Pops on the way. Hanging out downtown at the lake on the paddle boats. Following around my Uncle Spatz and laughing with Aunt Maxine. Getting chased by Uncle Howie after he discovered slugs in Seattle. My Aunt Clara Ann’s crazy talent for sewing and quilting. Going into the train depot in Seattle with my dad on Saturday mornings to make calls to whatever uncles happened to show up to the train depot in MN and how 2 groups of them made the trek out to our house the summer of 1989, when the doctors decided they’d done all they could for my dad, to say their last goodbyes. Five of the eight are together again in heaven, and I will continue to enjoy the 3 who remain. My last connection to my dad.

Happy birthday Uncle Jerry! Your wood bowl sits in my courtroom with me - thank you for the constant daily reminder of you and how much my dad loved his family every day of his life.

Life - a constant state of change

lifestyleGabby Jacobsen

Special or crazy

who knows …

It takes a special kind of person (or a crazy one) to make a career change after 25 years in one industry. I must be really special because not only did I leave the legal field and my work with the Superior court in order to stay home with nearly adult children, but seriously took a left turn when I joined the healthcare industry as an Executive Assistant to a hospital Chief Operating Officer, Board of Directors (and now for the Chief Nursing Officer as well).

This is literally the first time I have ever worked in a corporate setting. Where budgets and FTEs and decisions coming down from many many levels above me is a strange experience. But, I have to admit, I love the human interaction and the idea that for right now, I’m happy working in my community and not tied to downtown Seattle or what the jurors are doing. Learning a set of new Executive Assistant skills don’t suck either!

It’s a very different world filled with words and acronyms that I don’t understand. Titles and organizational charts. Executives and the knowledge that I am a tiny cog in a very big, national healthcare wheel. I also have received more immunizations than I’ve ever had in my life! Big changes - but I’m enjoying the change. I like the executives that I get the honor of working with daily and I love meeting new people. At court, the staff wasn’t entirely concerned with customer service. It wasn’t part of our job description and although I tried greeting everyone with a smile and a helping hand, our department wasn’t evaluated on customer experience. The fact was that we were one of the friendlier departments and known for our relaxed and customer service orientated demeanor. In healthcare, it’s all about patient experience, which allows me to smile and invite conversation. You know, customer service! I’m at my desk most of the day - but when I need human interaction, it’s just outside my door.

My mom always said that learning new things is a great way to keep your mind active. She loved hanging out with my daughters because the constant calendar and having to remember which bag went with which kid helped keep her sharp. I think she’d be proud of my change of career and would immediately change all her doctors to ones I support. Just because … that’s how she rolls.

For now, I’m very much enjoying life with my husband during our much more frequent date nights, trips to our vacation home to enjoy the sunshine on the river and visiting with friends and most especially the opportunities I have to enjoy my daughters as adults and seeing how very much they are just like Dave and I. Sarcastic and kind with a side of laughter at all times.

Happy belated Fourth of July and cheers to a summer where the weather hasn’t been horrible and the Columbia River current takes all my worries away.
