Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living

spoiled wife life

Hello ... it's me!

Alzheimer'sGabby JacobsenComment

Rocking the Spoiled Wife Life

My first blog post finds me on a Monday at noon with a cup  of cold green tea that's taken me all morning to drink, listening to my favorite country radio station on Alexa, showered (whew) and using my daughter's laptop computer to test my blogging abilities! 

I'm headed to Papa's house to check in on him, his bills, his pills, laundry and make sure he's eating something other than cereal and ice cream. Groceries and then quickly back home to greet my oldest daughter exiting the Access bus she rides to her college program. Somewhere in there I promised my husband to start gathering the items needed for taxes. Whew ... spoiled wife life indeed. I'm actually not sure how I accomplished all of these things when I was working 8 hours a day. 

Thank goodness for grown kids, one of which can drive, and a gracious and loving husband. 

Off I go to enjoy another beautiful Pacific Northwest day.
