You can’t make this stuff up …
Just when you think you’ve got it figured out … here comes another hiccup.
A longer, more substantial description of my eye surgery experience is coming, but for now a short note to share a bit of “it’s not really that funny so why am I laughing” news.
As discussed in a previous blog, I have a strict set of presurgical rules. One of them being no contacts in the eye for 1 week prior to surgery. Now, I knew there would likely be some hiccups my 3rd week in. I would be post-surgery on my left eye for 1 week, after having worn my 2+ years old glasses for the week prior. I could then wear my right contact lens for 1 week, which didn’t exactly work with my left eye, but worked well enough that I could manage. What I didn’t really expect was my mid-close range vision would require readers. I anticipated a lower need for readers, but accepted this as my new normal and that’s ok. My crystal clear distance vision is now better than 20/20 and I am thrilled!
My appointment with my regular eye doctor (Dr. Shauna Mazzula in Kent who I would HIGHLY recommend) was yesterday and my left eye is healing nicely and she’s very impressed with my new vision. We discussed my next week in my glasses and she removed the left lens from my glasses in preparation for the next day. All is good, right?
So for those of you who have difficult vision, you may understand that even if you have lenses available to each eye, they may not work in tandem. Additionally, your contact lens prescription may not be a match to the lens in your eye glasses. And so the saga continues …
Upon removing my contact last night, I put on my glasses only to find out it CLEARLY DID NOT operate with my post op left eye! I mean seriously WTH … not only that but I can’t use my readers because they don’t work with either eye.
So until next Wednesday, I will be operating with a single eye that can only see distance-mid range. I’ll be holding my phone within 2 inches of my face to check social media, avoiding Dave’s instruction to wear a helmet around the house and watching TV because that’s the only thing I can do.
So … cue the laughter! You just can’t make this shit up.
All my love,