Gabby's Home Life

Designing a Life Worth Living

For All My Ladies

Gabby Jacobsen

Mom should be here

She would’ve been in her happy place

As I sit here in the cool dawn at our vacation home on Mother’s Day, with the new lilac scent in my nose, the warm Red Rose tea in my cup and the quiet with only the birds chirping, I just know mom is wishing for just one more day with me.
Today marks 7 Mother’s Days without her. Life moves on after our parents are gone, that’s just how life goes. I take all the wonderful things mom taught me and the time we spent together, I wrap up all that love and share them with my two beautiful daughters. Someday, they too will carry on the same relationship with their children.
My mom will never be forgotten, by me, my kids and all the people she touched. She was just a small town farm girl from Eastern Washington. Born during the depression in 1933. She wasn’t destined to be anything great, but she smile changed the world for many people, most especially me.
Happy Mother’s Day to all my very special moms, the ones who give me courage everyday, my friends who make my life whole, my daughters who make being a mom the joy of my life and the very special women who have taken over caring for me as their child when my mom no longer could.
God bless this day and all the joys in my life!
