Gabby's Home Life

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It is what it is.

Today was our follow up with his PCP. I was prepared with questions related to the next steps following the Alzheimer's diagnosis. What I've been finding again and again is "it is what it is." No miracle cures. No miracle drugs. No surgeries. No therapies. 

What there is plenty of is "live your fullest life" "spend time with family" "get your affairs in order". It's difficult to keep him positive - but we had a great talk today about life and death. Everyone dies, it's inevitable, but the question is always what's going to take us. It can be slow, like the 3 years it took my dad's body to give out following the onslaught of cancer treatments in the late 80's. Or it could be quick like my mom's sudden and fatal heart attack 4 years ago. The most important thing now is to live the best life you can. Enjoy is for as long as he can. Enjoy his independence while he still has it - travel if that's what he wants to do.

I'm thankful his 3 children are so close to him and to each other. It may not be geographically convenient, but they are helpful given the distance. They've agreed to do what they can to help us on Ground Zero. 

A bit of a tip for anyone who tries to give him any information with details, please have him write it down and give him specifics, dates, times, etc. He's great with notes, so please assume he won't remember the details 30 seconds later. 

For now, we'll take joy in little things, like a walk at the mall, getting him undershirts for sale at $4/piece and the new Lavender Chai iced drink he bought for me today.